5 November Wedenesday
Nicholas Lui here, today's blogpost will be done by me.Basically, today was a normal schoolday for us, with lessons and stuff and the highlight would most probably be when we left the school for roughly 2 hours to tour the BNU, Beijing Normal University.
Beijing Normal University had many great lecturers. One of them is鲁迅。He wrote many famous short stories such as 祝福,狂人日记 and 阿Q正传。
Yet for all these things to see, the highlight of the trip would no doubt be the visit to the sports hall donated to the school by the American Olympic team.
Yet for all these things to see, the highlight of the trip would no doubt be the visit to the sports hall donated to the school by the American Olympic team.
Well, basically the rest of the trip was just the touring of the other training places, so enjoy pictures of where the American Olympic Team athletes trained for events such as basketball, swimming, basketball and badminton.