San Fan Zhong Xue main gate.
San Fan buddies and us. From left to right: Jun Jue, Zhi Hao, myself and Li Qi.
The San Fan students are very different from us. Here in San Fan, every student is very friendly and sociable. They talk to you, and there is no sense of awkwardness. It just feels easy communicating and making friends with them. The students are also very loud. They shout to one another across the classroom. When someone tries to distract while they are listening, they scold the person out loud. They let the other person know about it. They do not keep their emotions and suffer. I find them very brave. They do not fear of what others might think. They are very outgoing and direct. These kind of classroom situations, we can seldom find in our lessons in Singapore because it is unacceptable. But it makes their class atmosphere more interesting.
Physics lesson on density.
Typical classroom setting.
PE lessons at the field.
They have their lunch in their classroom. Each person has a lunch box, consisting of two servings of meat, one serving of vegetable, rice and a bun. Their eating utensil is a spoon with sharp edges so that it can serve the purpose of both a fork and a spoon in one tool. Lunch time is from 11.40am to 1.00pm. They take about twenty minutes to finish their lunch. After that, they will chat for a short while. At 12.30pm, they start their self-study. Everyone will return to the classroom and revise their work. Interestingly, they also have head massages in between lessons, once in the morning and another in the afternoon.
The immersion was a short four day program. Zhi Hao and I, we brought them out for dinner on a Sunday at MacDonalds. We exchanged gifts and contacts, and finally bade goodbye to our new found international good friends. It was not just about learning their syllabus content, we also learnt about interacting with people from different countries and cultures under a different environment. Their studious attitude had inspired us to work harder for our studies and for our future.
School campus.
Yours Truly,
Jeremy, High Flyers.