Welcome the February batch of BSC 2009
We will be keeping this blog alive. As far as possible, share with us your learning experience.
Have a great time learning from the teachers and your friends. Keep an open mind but keep warm. Drink lots of water and if you are checking before you leave, make sure you have medication especially for viral infections, cough and running nose.
When you travel on the bus, please make sure you be culturally sensitive. Refrain from using English too publicly in Beijing. Afterall if we can use mandarin, let's practice it. Don't flaunt your wealth. You should always be sensitive to the people you are with.
Finally, only one student has the password. I will let him have it so you can report your journey. We enjoyed our journey. Some days are tougher than others but all days, we watched over each other.
Make sure you bags are no more than 20kg. They are not joking when they asked you to pack light.
Bon Voyage. The school will be reading this blog. Schools who have joined us previously are also reading this blog.
Miss Cheong will be moderating this blog.
Today is the last day of BSC Dec 2008-Jan 2009. I'm taking a last look around me, everywhere. The streets, the classrooms, the shops... everything. Ever since I set my foot on BSC, I have been taking notice of the lives of the civilians here. What would it be like to be back in Singapore? Without the yangrouchuan shops, roadside stalls, interesting people all around, the alleys.. Ah yes. the hutong. That's what I want to talk about today----the hutong tour on the Tuesday.
I remember us seated in a coach on Tuesday morning. This will be our last field trip, I heard myself saying. It will be a memorable one. The coach finally drove us to our destination. There, a tour guide took over and we were kindly ushered into trishaws, two per person. Having a ride on a trishaw was a breeze, literally, because the cold wind was blowing into our faces. Although it was not really strong, it still freezed us. Even the mighty Li Ye beside me felt cold. Nevertheless, it was interesting to look at our surroundings from the trishaw seat. This is the view from the trishaw:
Besides the back of the trishaw guy, we could also see the conditions of the hutong. There were cracked walls, chipped-off paint, and things that cannot really be prevented. However, despite all this, we were able to see the infrastructural organisation
Trip to the China Military Museum
At the first level, there is a weaponry exhibition that showcases China’s arsenal of weapons through the ages. After going through the exhibition, I felt that the museum is trying to highlight to the world that China is no longer a country that have weapons that are outdated by a century.
Nearly there…
The museum.
"Made in China” label =D
The exhibition on the first floor.
Big Guns!
After going to the first floor exhibition, I went to the exhibition on the Japanese occupation of China. The whole exhibition focuses mainly on the war effort contributed by the Chinese and even mentions Singaporean Chinese contributing to the war effort in China in one of the panels in the Museum. What I felt was very interesting in this exhibition was that the words they use to describe the Japanese convey very strong emotions – anti-Japanese emotions of the Chinese. Another interesting fact that I noticed was that they portray Chairman Mao in a very good light and focus solely on his achievements in the War, accentuating his contributions through various portraits of his valiant moments in the war. Although this exhibition on the Japanese Occupation in China was biased, yet I feel that this exhibition still provides us with new insights on the feelings that the Chinese have against the Japanese, and the extent of their worship of 毛泽东.
As for the third level and fourth level, the only thing interesting to me was the temporary gallery of the artworks of a China artist, whose name I have forgotten. His works focus around the theme of Nature.
To conclude this trip to the 军事博物馆, I feel that it is a very enriching and fruitful experience and trip for me as it really allowed me to understand how the tension between China and Taiwan, China and Japan and China and the 8 imperialist powers during the Opium War, ensued. So future batches of BSC people, please do spend some time to really appreciate and understand the history of Military China when you go to the 军事博物馆!
Signing off,
Long Peng
BSC Dec'08
High Flyers!
Immersion class in San Fan Zhong Xue
San Fan Zhong Xue main gate.
San Fan buddies and us. From left to right: Jun Jue, Zhi Hao, myself and Li Qi.
The San Fan students are very different from us. Here in San Fan, every student is very friendly and sociable. They talk to you, and there is no sense of awkwardness. It just feels easy communicating and making friends with them. The students are also very loud. They shout to one another across the classroom. When someone tries to distract while they are listening, they scold the person out loud. They let the other person know about it. They do not keep their emotions and suffer. I find them very brave. They do not fear of what others might think. They are very outgoing and direct. These kind of classroom situations, we can seldom find in our lessons in Singapore because it is unacceptable. But it makes their class atmosphere more interesting.
Physics lesson on density.
Typical classroom setting.
PE lessons at the field.
They have their lunch in their classroom. Each person has a lunch box, consisting of two servings of meat, one serving of vegetable, rice and a bun. Their eating utensil is a spoon with sharp edges so that it can serve the purpose of both a fork and a spoon in one tool. Lunch time is from 11.40am to 1.00pm. They take about twenty minutes to finish their lunch. After that, they will chat for a short while. At 12.30pm, they start their self-study. Everyone will return to the classroom and revise their work. Interestingly, they also have head massages in between lessons, once in the morning and another in the afternoon.
The immersion was a short four day program. Zhi Hao and I, we brought them out for dinner on a Sunday at MacDonalds. We exchanged gifts and contacts, and finally bade goodbye to our new found international good friends. It was not just about learning their syllabus content, we also learnt about interacting with people from different countries and cultures under a different environment. Their studious attitude had inspired us to work harder for our studies and for our future.
School campus.
Yours Truly,
Jeremy, High Flyers.
Falling Sick in Beijing 北京生病记
庆幸的是,我有了室友们的关心、老师们的无微不至。前阵子的大病让我在寒冷的北京,感受了大家的爱,让我有了几分地感动 。想特别感谢曜年给我各种各样的药方,吃了身体有了抵抗力,四原、郑义、家强对我不时的关心与体贴,轮流帮我退烧,志豪大方把床位让给了我,黄鸣勇敢清理我呕出来的恶心东西,子谦、汉龙和十界陪我到二炮总医院去。当然,感谢大家齐心合力把房间给消毒了。对宿舍里两位老师的嘘寒问暖,毫无怨言地为我默默服务,自己却一个大少爷似的,我更是太不应该了!当然,少不了我们北京卫星学校各位老师们:张老师为我又褒粥、又请刮痧大夫、又陪伴我到医院去;江老师 送我到二炮总医院、又帮我付医药费;谢老师和洪老师不时进来我房间给我支持与安慰,也给我美禄喝。谢谢你们!
好了,感激的话要说也说不完。来说说在北京治病的经验,好让大家日后如果不幸在北京(我不是在克你们啦),至少有些心理上的准备。我在北京生病的经历中,治病最先做的事是服自己的药。生病期间,吃的不只是西药,在中国,中药是少不了的。首先吃得有自备的保济丸,身体上也涂了不少风油。风油涂了即可见效,不只激发了一连串的拉屎活动 :D,也舒解了喉咙疼痛与咳嗽。在这里想提醒大家一件事,吃了中药,至少要相隔半小时才能吃西药哦!不然,中西大合并身子可能受不了。当然,我也吃了自备的西药,其中包括了班纳杜,咳嗽药丸,泻肚子药等等。其中药方中,大多由朋友那方来。曜年为了我的病而给我了不少自己的药,在此想特别感谢。
吃了自己的药,病还没好该怎么办? 这也要问我了!当时吃了自备药方,没想到烧并没有退,还升到40.0度,吓了我一跳。上一回发了39.4的烧,室友们叫我马上冲冷澡,但最后发现这并不对,不然可能会着凉。当时发40度烧室友们又不在,班主任张老师也不在,打给了洪老师他却没接,只躺在床上不知所措。到最后,十界进来我房,告诉我马上跟江老师到二炮总医院去。之后,十界、汉龙和子谦就随着江老师与我,走到了二炮总医院。当时连走路都难,冷风吹袭,我身子包得紧紧的,直冒冷汗。
走着走着,终于到达了二炮总医院。当我们走到所谓“大门”时,就有人告诉我们要从另一个入口进。结果绕道走到另一个所谓“正门”。没想到进了,又有人说要到对面的门诊、急诊部。抱病的我又冒着冷风,走到对面一座叫门诊急诊的建筑物。走到此建筑物,必须先经过一栋正在装修中老建筑物。建筑中吵闹的声音听在耳里,心中开始有点而不爽,但为了治病还要忍!到了门诊部,原来只是为了登记,此时的我开始有些不耐烦了。结果,登记后我们要去“儿童部” 。我们不知道儿童部在哪儿,就开始问一位护士。她说,在门诊栋二楼。我们就乘电梯到二楼,没想到二楼空无一人,再问起另一个护士,她却说要回到对面一栋楼的七楼去。我只好不情愿地在走回刚才那栋楼。到了七楼,我们找到医生了,她就像一般医生一样,问我什么事,身体那里不好,开始了诊断过程。
在北京亲身在一个要求病人们东奔西跑的医院,真的让我大开眼界!江老师过后还跟我说,他以前在新加坡发39度烧,到医院去,医生给他打个针就可以回家了。当然,我不能完全怪医院效率差,张老师过后也跟我说了,这是政府医院,是不花费在昂贵的好药上,本地人发高烧时都使用较为便宜点滴来治病。过后我想了想,也有道理,对二炮总医院的印象也稍微便好。更奇怪的是,在二炮总医院跑来跑去,流了不少冷汗,因此烧也退了一些 。
隔晚,张老师为我找来了一位刮痧大夫。这位大夫是张老师的朋友,她本人是盲人,是看不到病人的伤。相反地,她以触摸感受病人的伤,并为他们进行刮痧治疗。她摸了摸我的颈项、身子等等,得到的结论是病得很严重。为了不知道什么是刮痧的朋友么,刮痧其实是中国最传统治疗方法之一,刮痧大夫一般使用牛角来进行治疗。进行刮痧治疗的人一般相信,刮痧能把身体的毒素给“刮”出来,毒素由刮痧大夫“吸”进身子,血液也能流到更顺畅。刮痧会在身上留下 红红的印,根据百度百科文章中,西方科学无法解释为什么。以下照片为证明。
Something for the Anglo-centric readers who just can’t bear to read posts in Chinese:
Firstly, I chose to write this is Chinese because I am in China and I find it only suitable to write a Chinese post for this blog, but I still consider that some might not like to read long paragraphs of Chinese words. So I’ll summarise what I wrote. My main message is, you think are at the top of the world until you are seriously ill. To support this statement, I was actually planning to try some exotic food the very day I fell ill. I have since tried some but that’s beside the point. Point is, I’ve tried medication and treatment from both the east and west and let me assure it is not exactly enjoyable.
I think I have mentioned enough in my post above, so now it’s up to you guys to take good care of yourselves while you are in Beijing. For those still in Beijing, take care for the last two days we are here. To the next batch and future batches, please do not treat your health lightly. Your health is all you have to ensure an enjoyable stay here in Beijing. This I think I need to restate in English. Here is to a healthy 2009, no ills and only happiness. Good luck all!
here's Xue Zheng of High Flyers signing off.
Henceforth I give up with my dismal Chinese standard (which has been brought up marvellously by BSC but still not far up enough).
So, fully armed to the teeth with general knowledge of the Yuan Ming Yuan either in our conscious or subconscious minds, the hardy adventurers charged forth into the abyss of unknown Yuan Ming Yuan. Spectacular sights that did not disappoint were found, with the decrepit sadness which hung upon the still winter ambience.

Entrance map.


Entrance shots.
Basically, the Qing's (was it?) Yuan Ming Yuan was razed down by English gentlemen while they simultaneously looted the majestic gardens and sipped on tea. The combined French and English forces forced China into the opium wars (which it lost quickly) and then raided Beijing and Yuan Ming Yuan.

A ruin with a sign that stated, "Do not desecrate further". (My own English translation for hapless and Anglocentric readers)
And so the garden was in shambles. We got to see those shambles.

The sad joy of viewing tragic remains.

Broken stones. Charred monoliths. Beauty unparalleled...?

The fountain which used to host the 12 Chinese zodiac animals, carved exquisitely and long appropriated.
We also visited the hedge maze (reconstructed and restored to former glory).

The dark tower...


How? Method 1, go to the back of the maze - there is a cunning route into the middle.

And this is Method 2.

Yaonian (Voyage) and Kevin (High Flyer), enjoying their truimph. Not only Victors can be victorious :P
The rubble remains after the dust has cleared... but we still get to enjoy the scenic shots, keeping in mind the tragic tale of blood spilt and atrocites committed in the 18th century.





Seow Yongzhi
High Flyers :D
Christmas Celebrations
Then it began, with Yang Cheng and Wen Yi as the Emcees. After rounds of scavenger hunt and the Victors emerging Victor(ours), Yu Song and Kwang Ming performed the sponge-bob-square-pants-beat-box-routine, much to everyone’s delight.
On the whole, the Christmas celebration was a success, much thanks to the organizing team hard work through the many weeks of planning.