
Christmas Celebrations

The celebrations on Christmas Eve began at 4.30pm, but preparations started long before. The various class chairmen would clump together at the end of the corridor everyday from weeks before to plan this event. Then on the afternoon of the 22nd of December, everybody went to help prepare the two classrooms, Voyage and Victors for the celebrations.
We first went to Victors classroom to have the Christmas Feast. Everybody helped themselves heartily to 羊肉串s, chips, slices of log cake, jellies and drinks, before proceeding to the Voyage classroom for the celebrations.

Then it began, with Yang Cheng and Wen Yi as the Emcees. After rounds of scavenger hunt and the Victors emerging Victor(ours), Yu Song and Kwang Ming performed the sponge-bob-square-pants-beat-box-routine, much to everyone’s delight.

As the final event of the night, everyone received random gifts from everyone, ranging from colour pencils to jigsaw puzzles and hot water flasks.

On the whole, the Christmas celebration was a success, much thanks to the organizing team hard work through the many weeks of planning.
Walter, High Flyers DEC '08

