
Day 2 In Beijing!!

Hello!!! First time blogging here. :)
Yesterday's flight was kind of boring and i got a little sick during landing, but nevermind about that. When i stepped off the plane, i got really excited about the cold weather.
However, i cannot say i feel the same now. The temperature is still dropping and my fingers and nose are freezing. Super cold. I prefer Beijing's cold weather to Singapore's hot one though. It's less uncomfortable i guess. The dorms are okay, bigger than i expected, but the mattress is too thin, hard on my poor back. haha. everything else is okay, and after hearing all the horror stories about the dorm's toilet, i realised it actually wasn't that bad. At least we have toilet bowls. haha :) Can't get use to the breakfast here, but the other meals are fine. Went shopping today, experienced first hand the joys of taking the bus in Beijing. Now i know what sardines have been going through, packed in a teeny weeny space. Poor sardines. :) But it was actually quite fun, a whole new different experience. Looking forward to the rest of the trip, wonder what new experiences and surprises are in store!

Signing off,

