
Day #9

Hello readers(:

I guess we're all getting used to the weather and climate here already. I don't feel the cold as much now, it's either its getting warmer, or I'm adapting to the climate here.

Today all of the schools went to the Great Wall. One of the 7 wonders of the world. (Or 8, the tour guide claims that Qin ShiHuang's Grave just got added in)

I'm very thankful that I haven't fell sick yet. I hope I don't, ever. It was really kind of warm when I was climbing the Geat Wall. I didn't peel off my clothes like what Miss Cheong told us to do, though. Though I kind of find layering clothes quite fun nowadays. I guess I'm really getting used to the ins and outs of the day.

Climbing the Great Wall really was TIRING. Anglican High climbed with some Nan Hua High people. it was pretty fun. Took lots of photos. Though I didn't take much different photos, i fyou get what I mean. the view fom on top of the Great Wall is the same and it gets kind of boring climbing it after awhile. The view was fantastic, though there wasn't much variation. Also, it could have been more fantastic, if only it was autumn. Cheerios to those Hwa Chong people who were in the October batch.

Ok, enough of the ranting. Photos! (:

Uh. The photos are front to back... So it'll be abit weird.

This was after the climb, when I was heading towards the cable car tower.

Thought that the wall was really cool, so I decided to take a close up photo of the wall.

This is the teacher from Nan Hua, who was helping the guys hold their bags and stuff. The guys were rushing all the way to the front.

I didn't climb to the peak, neither did the other girls. We were all bored, so we decided to rest near the cable car tower whilst the guys chiong-ed to the front.

It was an arduous journey.

I thught that you guys should get a closer & better look on how the wall was structured at its sides(:

Um, this was one of the many towers on the Great Wall.

I thought that the sky looked nice and the angle of the photo was nice, so.I decided to take the photo(:

It is very high up. Sorry about the lighting.

On the way up... Look at how steep the steps are.

This was taken out one of the windows of the towers. The bricks are ancient.

This is my teacher!

That's supposed to be a cannon.

Steep slopes and steps.

Uh. That would be Melissa.

That's Shirley.

I saw this cute donkey halfway through the climb(: It knows when we are taking photos and it will look into the camera. Well-trained, eh?

Uh. Spotlight on Shirley. Again. And there's Javern and Hui Min and Cindy are behind Shirley.

Spotlight on the Nan Hua teacher(: I thought that this random shot was nice.

The view on top of the Great Walll. The lighting is bad, sorry.

Yepp. That's about it on the Great Wall. Melissa's blogging on the visit to this temple.

Signing off between -5 to 7 degrees celsius,

Chin Ying Ting from Anglican High.

